Delectable Foods for Thought Kindle Edition
Have you ever been at a place in your psychosocial journey, where you simply need something on which to feed? Well, “Delectable Foods for Thought” was especially designed with you in mind. Grab a thought each day, take a bite and chew thoughtfully and quizzically. Swallow, ingest and motivate yourself, with this powerful collection of inspirational quotes, chock full of wisdom for daily use.
Category: Adult Books
Have you ever been at a place in your psychosocial journey, where you simply need something on which to feed? Well, “Delectable Foods for Thought” was especially designed with you in mind. Grab a thought each day, take a bite and chew thoughtfully and quizzically. Swallow, ingest and motivate yourself, with this powerful collection of inspirational quotes, chock full of wisdom for daily use.