Dancing with Delilah Paperback

Dancing with Delilah, exposes the sexual fantasies promulgated by society, which is a complete antithesis to the God- initiated, God –ordained rule for sexual intimacy, which should only happen between a man and a woman within the confines of marriage. Sensuality and sexual expression was designed by God and is rooted into our very being. It is a driving force of meaning in our lives, a consummate statement of beauty, companionship, hope and investment in our collective future.



Dancing with Delilah, exposes the sexual fantasies promulgated by society, which is a complete antithesis to the God- initiated, God –ordained rule for sexual intimacy, which should only happen between a man and a woman within the confines of marriage. Sensuality and sexual expression was designed by God and is rooted into our very being. It is a driving force of meaning in our lives, a consummate statement of beauty, companionship, hope and investment in our collective future. God created us as sensual beings, with desires to express our deepest longings for intimacy and ecstasy. It is not to be fulfilled in one night stands, or perspiring molecules rubbing wildly against each other, but rather, in the sacred and monogamous relationship of marriage between a man and a woman according to Genesis 2:21 -22.I hope this book will at least scratch the surface of what God intended sexual intimacy to be, as it relates to Biblical truths.