Life has a way of hitting you like a brick. You feel upbeat and accomplished, and it feels like you’re off to a great start when boom! The unthinkable and unexpected happen! What should you do? Where do you turn?

  • YOUR BEST DECISION EVER!!! Kindle Edition

    This devotional went on to discuss the principles of the kingdom. These are principles that’ll help a young believer overcome sin and flee from every appearance of evil. It highlighted how a young believer can access deeper things in Christ and also walk in the Spirit.

  • Dancing with Delilah Paperback

    Dancing with Delilah, exposes the sexual fantasies promulgated by society, which is a complete antithesis to the God- initiated, God –ordained rule for sexual intimacy, which should only happen between a man and a woman within the confines of marriage. Sensuality and sexual expression was designed by God and is rooted into our very being. It is a driving force of meaning in our lives, a consummate statement of beauty, companionship, hope and investment in our collective future.

  • Beige Paperback

    This book encompasses the epitome of what a child could face, being born with the sign” Unwanted “on her face. However, as the story unfolds, it also demonstrates that no matter where we are in life, or how far we have strayed, God is not yet finished with us, because,” With God, all things are possible.”
  • God is Too Big for Your Hip Pocket Kindle Edition

    Everyone committed to following the true and Living God, must read Olga Fyne’s idea of people’s concepts of God and in doing so, will eventually come to be a better understanding of their own concept of God.
  • Delectable Foods for Thought Kindle Edition

    Have you ever been at a place in your psychosocial journey, where you simply need something on which to feed? Well, “Delectable Foods for Thought” was especially designed with you in mind. Grab a thought each day, take a bite and chew thoughtfully and quizzically. Swallow, ingest and motivate yourself, with this powerful collection of inspirational quotes, chock full of wisdom for daily use.